Belief Power and Violence
Kespada questions science wars and black magic with abstract, semi-abstract and pop art paintings. His silkscreen artworks Trump Power, Kim Power and Putin Power depict images of former US president Donald Trump, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin on a background of talisman patterns created from chemical formulas.
"Black magic creates a belief in people to think that they have supernatural power. Science wars make country leaders feel confident in the power of nuclear weapons. The collection aims to criticise that ancient people used violence to solve problems and even today people in an era of technology still use violence as a solution," Kespada said.
The painting Third Eye Of Shiva illustrates a mock-up of the first atomic bomb, innocently called The Gadget, and includes images of many scientists who were involved in inventing the atomic bomb such as Albert Einstein and the father of the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer. Two very interesting paintings in his collection feature Donald Trump in Angry? and Kim Jong-un in Smile?. These paintings were set up with the two leaders facing each other.
"I wondered why Trump often looked angry and Kim smiled, but often threatened to use nuclear weapons. The paintings are examinations of their brains to find out what is inside their minds," Kespada said.
Kespada conducted much research on science wars and nuclear weapons, so most of his artworks are informative. However, two paintings, Mechanism Of Occultism 1 and 2 were created impulsively. "I worked on these two abstract pieces by using improvisation. There was no sketch and no pre-plan. I hope it will present something different that viewers can interpret in their own way," Kespada said.
To be a believer